Top 6 Marvelous Interior Painting Ideas

Interior Painting Ideas

Great colors can make your walls look attractive and impressive. But, it’s not easy to choose the right color for your walls. There are thousands of colors in the market. So, it might be confusing for you to choose the perfect color for your walls.

Now, before starting your interior painting, you should consider some important facts.

The Size of Your Room

The size of your room is an important factor. If you have a big room, then you may have to apply some unique color combinations on your walls.

Natural Light Flow

You should always check – how much your room reflects natural light.

For instance – if your room is not exposed to enough natural light, then you should use light colors on your room’s walls.

To help you, some great painting ideas are given below. You can read the following ideas to have inspirations.

Top 6 Interior Painting Ideas


Many people don’t like tangerine on their walls. But, if you apply this color wisely, then your walls can become alive.

Tangerine is a rich color. So, it can feel your walls with energy. Moreover, this color reflects light. Hence, it can make your room look sunny.

You can use green or blue furniture with these walls. This will certainly make your room look interesting.

Blue and White

If you want to make your room calm and peaceful, then you can choose this color combination.

Blue is an immortal color and white is a symbol of peace. As a result, this color combination can make your walls look elegant.

You can paint one wall blue and keep the rest of the walls white. Apart from that, you can also use white-colored furniture in a

Blue-colored room.

Rich Yellow

This color is not for the entire room. It’s a rich color. So, it can make a low-lighted room brighter.

You can use this color on the windows and doors of your room.

For Instance –You can paint your entire room white. Then, you can use rich yellow to highlight your doors and windows. You can also use this color on the borders of your room.


Some years ago, pink was considered paint only for the children’s room. But, now pink has become one of the most popular colors for interior painting.

In reality, Pink has many types of colors. There is hot pink, blush pink, pale pink and more. Hence, you can use this color in your bedroom and in your living room.

It’s a bold color. So, you should apply it on your room’s walls carefully.

Black or Dark Brown

Black or dark brown reflects almost no light. Therefore, if you have a small room, then you can use this color.

In the Victorian era, people used to paint their rooms with this color. So, it can give your rooms a classic and old look.

You can combine some white furniture with this color. That’s it, your room will look unique and praise-worthy.

Half-Painted Walls

The ‘half-painted’ wall is a new trend. It’s not a color. Rather it’s a way to paint your rooms.

You have to choose two contrasting colors.Then, you can paint your room’s walls half with one color and apply another color to paint the rest half.

You can ‘half-paint’ the walls vertically or horizontally. Even, some people have modified this idea. They have painted their walls with wide stripes of contrasting colors. This design can also give your walls a modern look.

Usually, people don’t invest much time to choose the right color for their interior painting. They get confused. But, to impress your guests, you need to paint your rooms perfectly.

So, read the above interior painting ideas and make your rooms look stunning and marvelous.