During New Zealand’s harsh winters, doors and windows are slammed shut, and houses are sealed off. As people live in the same closed-off space, with not a breath of fresh air being allowed in, conditions become uncomfortable and unhealthy. Poorly ventilated homes represent major health hazards in this country, particularly in relation to colds and, more seriously, flu and respiratory conditions like asthma. Even cardiovascular disease has been linked to living in a cold and poorly ventilated home.
Thankfully, there is a solution. Companies like this Auckland air conditioning specialist, now supply and install affordable home ventilation systems which brings five key benefits with them:
- Home ventilation helps to prevent mould and mildew. During the cooler months of winter, cold and damp conditions are the perfect breeding ground for mould and mildew. During a 2015 House Condition Survey, The Building Research Association of New Zealand discovered mould in half of the surveyed properties, with an expectation of more in years to come. That’s because all the new homes being built during New Zealand’s building boom are much more airtight than older homes, so they’re more likely to trap mould and mildew if not properly ventilated. Mould and mildew cause a range of winter-related health issues, so it’s important to keep the home as dry as possible. The introduction of ventilation systems into homes of all ages will increase the level of dryness inside.
- Home ventilation systems protect the occupants against dust mites and fungal spores, which cause many of the allergies that New Zealanders suffer from. Dust mites and fungal spores love warm, humid places so guarding against this type of allergen is made easier when a ventilation system is installed to make the home drier. A typical household can produce around 12 litres of water every day from cooking, showering and even breathing, so excess moisture develops quickly and allows allergens like dust mites and fungal spores to thrive. A well-ventilated home will stop them dead in their tracks.
- Home ventilation systems are very good at flushing excess water vapour and moisture out of homes. When they expel moisture-laden and stale air, they replace it with fresher and drier air. The “new” air is filtered before it enters the home, which markedly reduces exposure to dust, pollen, plant spores and other inhaled triggers.
- Home ventilation systems help to maintain excellent air quality within a closed-up house. In conjunction with good heating, ventilation makes air cleaner, drier and far easier to breathe.
- Home ventilation systems can help reduce your heating bills. This is simply because a damp home is far harder to heat than a dry one. A ventilation system will allow your primary heating source to operate more efficiently, with heat pumps being the optimum solution thanks to the quality of the air they blow into the room.
While heating is often the first priority for New Zealanders as they prepare their homes for winter, it is a good idea to bring ventilation into the equation as well. A home ventilation system will bring a host of benefits, and in conjunction with a heat pump, those benefits will only get bigger.

Harold Price is a home improvement blogger who strives to improve his life and the lives of others. He provides homeowners with helpful tips on how to renovate their homes. His goal is not only to provide easy-to-follow instructions, but also share his own personal experiences for those seeking guidance.