Care with the Choice of Terrain and Leveling

Care with the Choice of Terrain and Leveling

You are looking for terrain and you find sloping terrain (sloping or uphill). Do you know what will need to be done on the ground to be able to build on it? In this article, our experts from Sloping Block Builders Melbourne will comment a little about some possible solutions to build in this situation. This is all to help you decide if you are really getting a good deal when choosing the land.

Care with the Choice of Terrain and Leveling

Well, first of all, what is uphill and downhill terrain? Sloping terrain is terrain where the front is lower than the bottom (uphill) and sloping terrain is the opposite, where the front is higher than the bottom (downhill). Simple, isn’t it!?

One of the alternatives to building on sloping terrain is to keep the terrain like this and simply level the house, leaving it partially suspended, as in the figure below. Despite being a simpler solution from the standpoint of leveling the land, this type of construction ends up generating a cost for the construction of the structure of the house. However, it is usually the most adopted solution in case of very steep terrain, where leveling the terrain would be very expensive and complicated due to the high costs of cuts and fills and retaining walls.

When the terrain is less steep, you can simply level the terrain for building the house. In this case, the first important thing is to get carried out a topographic survey from Split Level Home Builder, when choosing the terrain, to know exactly where each part of it is located. This makes the architect’s job much easier later on and helps him to make the best decision regarding the final level of the home. For this topographical survey, surveying companies are usually hired. The ground level can also be taken out using level hoses, but this is a less accurate method.